This morning at St. Malachis, RoseMarie Dejohn’s family is remembering the first year anniversary of her transition into light. To me RoseMarie will always be the godmother of sister/lay-priest(esses) in the Cleveland diocese.
Yesterday was world peace day and at Don’s underground cafe we remember him and decided to continue to carry on in his name “serious conversations leading to holy Communion” (Walter Brueggemann).
This coming week, let us take time to continue to contemplate the ChristKind in the manger while exploring the meaning of “Unity” as we celebrate the visit of the three Magi, the Wise Ones, imaginative enough to follow a star and brave enough to defy Herod’s orders.
Finally remember to credit St. Francis with inventing the tradition of building mangers and so bring to life God’s peaceful presence in the here and now.
For many years Roberta and I choose to celebrate Christmas on Jauaryn 6th to remember “what is essential is invisible” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
The three Wise Ones represent the unity of the One God in all creation and so help us birth the deep desire for peace that such unity brings.
“Contemplation is allowing ourselves to become the One we love.” Sister Claire Andre Gagliardi, OSC.
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“…it is only with the heart that one can see rightly…”