In 1947 Following the end of WW2 the Red Cross transported me from Austria to Italy. To qualify i had to be the oldest in the family and badly undernourished. Since at that point the winners received most US food aid and Austria had lost the war at home food was hard to get even for the wealthy. So I deeply identify with families willing to let go of their kids to save them.
Many years later I left home again. This time to follow my spouse.
But as much as we loved each other, as a naturalized alien I never felt I fully belonged. Even after giving birth to six US citizens and welcoming 10 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren, so far, the hunger for real home and sense of identifying as an outsider continues.
Despite gratitude for Italy saving my life and America giving me many opportunities to love and be loved, I have come to accept that I feel closer to those deserted and rejected than those who feel safe and successful.
It’s ironic that the story of Ruth and Naomi is often quoted at weddings without realizing that this story is not about spousal love but the love of daughter and mother in law.
So far not much in feminist literature has been written about that love?
Years ago my mother, whose English was less than perfect kept referring to Dick as her son in love 😉 little did she realize how prophetic she was. True love is never about the law it’s just true.
Thanks for a well done homily, Marie.